Friday, June 25, 2010

the last two weeks

wow all i hear is silence and the occasional lyric of Davis' lullabyes. for the last two weeks we have had company and it has not only been helpful so i was able to help a girl at work go on vacation but it was nice to see D interact with his grammie and aunt lala; however, i am enjoying the silence. i seemed to have picked up the cold aunt lala was battling and now i am feeling pretty worthless. nevertheless i am mommy so nothing stops me from playing cars, watching elmo or reading books. D is growing and changing so much everyday. i swear something about time changes when you have kids. it seems so long ago that d came into our lives; however, i still remember our first night at home togather when i was convinced he would not sleep in his room.
as i mentioned before D hung out with his grammie last week so i could work a little and man did he loved grammie time. she spoiled him rotten and they had a blast. of course mommy couldn't stand being away so she only worked about 5 hours a day and then came home to see her little man. grammie would fill her in on all the cute things he had done that morning and i realized real quick why i was a sahm. i HATE missing out on memories with D. the paycheck will be nice but money seems to be gone before we get it and memories well they last forever. it was great for d to get some one on one with grammie but i am sorry i couldn't do it full time!
aunt lala came this week and although i didn't work we made lots of memories at the zoo, mall and pool. d loves attention and lala didn't hesitate to give it to him. she got to see his temper, and his love for prayer. one of his favorite things was waking lala up. she would pretend to be asleep and he would wake her up. sometimes she got a sweet kiss, hug and snuggle, other times he woke her by screaming wake up wake up (in his own D voice that is!). she also helped us decifer d's way of saying thank you-which is by far the cutest thank you i have ever seen- he lays his head down on his shoulder and smiles with his melt your heart smile.
sharing my little man with lala and grammie has been bundles of laughs and i sure enjoyed the company. now i just gotta kick this cold and get back to chasing d all by myself. i have enjoyed it ladies, come back anytime! love you both!

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