Sunday, June 6, 2010


Whew! What a weekend! We had so much fun with our Murray buddies this weekend. The kids were excellent and of course catching up with Lacy and Em was the best. It was so neat getting to see our kiddos hang out with one another. They loved each other so much and it made me sad we all don't live closer together. Oh and before I forget I want to clue you in on the title of this post-that is the name of our "place" in an ideal world. We made it up when we were all kidless and in our younger days. It is all of our last names combined. At this place the men would work to support us and the girls would hang out with the babies and chill! It sounds perfect, but unfortunately won't ever happen! Oh well it feels good to dream!
Any who, the weekend was perfect filled with great food, many laughs (mostly during Brian's wonderful stories of Em's family!) and lots of hugs and kisses between kiddos! I love that they are all so friendly and love to share sweet kisses and hugs! We can't wait to do it again and I can only imagine how different our group will be with even more kiddos! Sunday was great too, because we were able to briefly visit (in between class and workship and worship and arriving) with some of our buddies from Glendale. I miss them all so much and wish we were able to visit more often. WE had a wonderful trip and I will conclude with some of my fav pics from the weekend!

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