Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Too Funny

So I knew having Davis in my life would create funny stories, so I hope I can retell these and make you laugh as I did.
First, D was playing outside and exploring the air pump we had recently used to blow up our bike tires. He was pumping and the air was shooting out and making a noise and D found that pretty amusing. The speech path in me decided to tell him what it was so I was saying "air" over and over so he would imitate me. Instead when you heard my country accent saying air he reached up and grabbed his ear and said ear, with a very funny look on his face. I laughed and said no buddy "ear" trying really hard to say it without my accent and then he reached up and grabbed his hair, again with a very funny look on his face. After laughing I got down on his level grabbed the tube where the air was coming out and said look buddy it blows air out. He just looked at me and ran to his fishing pole-poor guy was so confused! Haha!
As I was laying D down for his nap we were reading some of his favorite books and we got to a page with different colors. I named the colors and D always goes back through and points to objects in the color groups and says "whdis" (what's this) so I was naming the items and we got to yellow which had a corn on the cob in it and he pulled the book to him and started pretending to eat it like his daddy. You see just the other night we grilled out and had grilled some corn on the cob and his daddy was very dramtic about how he was eating it (he called himself the typewriter) and D remembered his daddy being so silly and decided he would mimick him. It was very cute and funny. Those are the times you wish you had a camcorder on you at every second.
Just thought I would share little pieces of Davis with you today!

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