Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Davis and Cole

The Butler's went on date night tonight so d and i got our little buddy for the night. Once again we had so much fun and made lots of fun memories. The boys are such good friends, they share very well and love to play with one another. We started with the bike...

next was golf clubs, and lawn mowers, did I mentioned we have SO much fun with our buddy cole?

Next it was time to EAT!! They boys loved their nuggets and had so much fun praying for their food. It was very interesting seeing the different ways the two of them talk to God! HA, what a hoot! Such a sweet thing to do at such a young age!

The boys were aweful stinky after supper and playing so we jumped in the tub! Davis wanted to wash Cole's hair-I think he's a tad bit jealous he has so much hair!DAvis had to give him a hug after the wash! Talk about splishin and a splashin!! They sure did smell good after the bath!

What a blessing it is to have such sweet friends who value thier marriage and take time to be togather and allow Walker and I to do the same. And what a double blessing to have people to leave your baby with and you know with out a doubt they are being loved and having the time of thier life! THanks Butler's!!

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