Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Labor Day Weekend, and MORE! LOTS MORE!!

Just some pics of D being D. He sure does love balls and this day he wanted to sit in a basket-silly boy!!

Walker's birthday was Sept. 3 and D and I made him his fav cake-yellow cake and chocolate icing! D couldn't stand it and had to have a piece before we gave it to Daddy! Happy 29th birthday baby! We love you!!

Davis was in a fantastic mood Sunday afternoon so we had the best afternoon just laughing and playing in the living room. He makes life worht living! Love that kid!

WE decided to take Davis to a park he had never been to this weekend so this is where we ended up! We had such a great time playing on all the equipment and looking at the helicopter, and tank! Davis loves modes of transportation these days so he really wanted to ride in the helicopter, but we convinced him to come home with us instead!

Mia and Pops wanted to take D to the zoo on Monday so we went and had a blast! We saw many animals and even ate a picnic lunch with the seals and sea lions. D loved the cheetos and rice crispy treats!

We found out today that Mia got her job at Clark Memorial so Pops took us to celebrate! Due to traffic we went to Red Lobster, Davis sure enjoyed cracking the crab legs. He kept saying "crack."

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