Thursday, September 30, 2010

18 months

To my dearest Davis,
You are 18 months or a 1 1/2!! Mommy can hardly believe how fast you are growing. I am in love for the second time with a man besides your daddy and it is with you. You have the personality that can change anyone into a happy person. You have one of the greatest smiles and simply love making others smile. I love watching you love others and make them smile. You certainly do that to me often, especially today. We were playing with chalk or "alk" as you call it and when I looked up from drawing a picture you were covered in all colors of chalk!

You enjoy watching shows or youtubing with your daddy. You have your own playlist and you are able to tell us exactly what show you need to watch! Some of your favorites include veggie tales, elmo, lion king, jesus loves me, raffi and old mcdonald. If a song is too long or you are ready to watch something else you let us know and expect us to switch shows-what a strong willed little boy!! You love singing and shake your hand and say lala when you want us to sing. You will even point to the cd player in the kitchen and pretend to sing so we will turn your songs on.
Breakfast is by far your favorite meal and you love pancakes and dip! You will also eat cereal, poptarts, toaster strudels, Mia's famous sourdough bread, muffins, french toast, cinnamon rolls or nutragrain bars. You are still very picky and still very much enjoy making mom and dad eat whatever you eat. (we still taste test all of you food-can you say ROTTEN!) You enjoy eating pudding, yogurt, chicken nuggets, taquitos, smart ones-3 cheese ziti, green beans, bread, pizza, mcalister's broccoli cheese soup and sandwich (turkey panini with pepper jack cheese), and pretty much anything else you can dip! You LOVE to drink juice and milk and have no problem asking for it when you are thirsty. You usually sign eat when you are hungry or you grab our hand and lead us to the pantry where you can pick what you like to feast on! These pics are from lunch and yes this is your second outfit of the day-eating pudding! YUMMY!

You are the smartest little boy I know. You know all the "normal" animals and their sounds, all your face/body anatomy (including knee and elbow!!-my favs!), you pretty much understand everything and expect me to explain everything since I have always talked to you like you understand me!
You love your friends to pieces and you especially love thier momma's. You are kinda a flirt-already!!! You love talking about who we are going to see and you want to say thier names over and over until we reach our destination. My fav name you say is Jack-for Jackson Hanuaer! I love knowing you have good buddies and the best friends moms a girl could ask for.
You are saying so many words right now-I have tried keeping a list for the words you have said so far today so here it goes: cheese, light, hop, stop, shoe, sock, dada, momma, num num, juice, byebye, hi. hey, dip, up, yep, jack, poppop, paw (for pawpaw), lala,my, el (elmo), nack (snack), ball, bat, hot, out, book, this, that, uh, bi (bible), je (jesus), burp,air (airplane) poop, dog, baba, nightnight, bath. I stopped when you took the pen away from me and started writting on your clothes-silly boy! You say many more words with mommy's model and are even saying two word utterances like my momma, my dada, dadda up, etc.
Davis you are a little bossy boy!! You expect your playmates (mostly mom and cole) to do exactly what you want them to do! You get it honest, but mommy is working on breaking it! You got to learn everyone does not always want to do things the way davis does them, and that is ok.
Davis I couldn't ask for a better boy. You are great in everyway and I pray you will always be a boy who is sweet and loves others. THanks for being mine! I love you!

1 comment:

  1. Love the messy pictures! Such a little boy! Can't wait to make some messes at my house tonight! =)
