Sunday, September 26, 2010

momma dada up

my soon to be 18 month old said his first 3 word utterance this week-i was so proud, but at the same time so sad. daddy travels so much davis has gotten use to talking to him on the phone or skype. walker and i are very sad about this and we know this is not what we want for our family. after much prayer, discussion and tears we have decided to move our family to PA. walker was on a "up" trip in Jersey and someone saw him work really hard. that someone was a pretty big deal and offered my hubby an amazing job-in PHILLY! we have visited and decided we can live there and be happy. we are not sure when we will be leaving but we are definelty headed north. please pray for our family in selling our house, finding a new home and meeting godly friends. leaving is bittersweet-sweet because my family will be all togather- no more momma, dada up-bitter because we are leaving some of the most amazing spiritual and godly friends/family here. i weep knowing my days here in l-ville are numbered and i am trying to soak up lots of friend/family time.
please hear me god when i ask you to be with my hubby in this new adventure. be with him and allow him to bring others to you at his workplace. be with me as i learn a new area, continue teaching a toddler about you, and meet others. allow davis to meet friends who love him and are willing to hug/kiss on him the way his friends do here. i know this is the best decision for our family and i am fully relying on you to make things happen with the selling of our house and finding a new home. be with my friends/family here and please help them understand our decision and love/remember us FOREVER!

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