Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Wednesday: ZOO

The zoo was decorated for fall today and mommy just couldn't resist taking some pics of D with all the pumpkins and hay.

We waited for Emily and Will in the gift shop and Davis had no problem keeping himself occupied.

Mommy and D checking out the ducks. Quack, Quack!

Elmo was a part of the decor at the zoo and of course Davis had to love all over him!

We sure did have a fun visit. We always love our zoo adventures. Mia even joined us! Davis loves his Mia!

Davis loves the Hanauer crew and he was so excited Will got to come to the zoo with him today!

Davis found this rock and wanted to get his picture taken. A little vain??

SUPER DAVIS!!! Special thanks to Mia for holding him up!

1 comment:

  1. awww... we were there today too! hate we didn't see you guys!
