Saturday, October 2, 2010

pee pee in the potty

(sorry no pics-didn't want d to hate me forever!!)So Davis went to his 18 month old check up yesterday and what a big boy he is. He was 32 1/2 inches long and 27.7 lbs. He is staying on his steady curve and growing perfectly, the md said. She mentioned at 18 months it is good to introduce a potty and just let them play/get used to it. Walker and I were so surpised, but we headed to Target and let D pick out his potty seat. We got home and took it out of the box and D wanted to try it out. Davis sat on his potty and of course he wanted daddy to sit on his potty so there we sat and listened to Daddy potty and we couldn't believe it but Davis' potty started singing (if you pee on his potty the sensors go off and sing a song). We praised Davis and he was so proud of himself. He immediatley had to check out his pee and wanted to touch it. Haha. Is is beginners luck or do we just have a smart boy?? Daddy and I pcik the second one!
I was using the bathroom this morning and D grabbed his daddy's hand let him upstairs to his potty and went pee pee again! I tell you what I love this kid, he NEVER ceases to amaze me!

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