Thursday, October 28, 2010

and so...

and so the saga continues. not able to go into much detail, because life has revealed alot in the last 48 hours, but wow just when you thought you were comfortable with the unexpected more was added to the plate. please if you are reading this pray for my precious hubby and my family. realizing more and more that worth should not be put in jobs, people, material things, etc but in things not of this world. we are gonna learn something from all the things happening in our lives just not quite sure all the lessons to be learned at this moment. i will end with a prayer, and please i will update when i am able to come forth with the details so just pray!
god i am at your feet begging for guidance, for understanding and for comfort. your words remind me that you know the plans that you have for me, and you also tell me not to worry about tommorrow. please help me keep these words close to me and help me comfort those in my family who are hurting. give me strength to say the right things, and show your love. thank you for giving me Davis and allowing him to show me that through great trials and tribulations it's just life and what we have waiting on us is so much better. ohh to be childlike in these situations! god wrap your arms around us in this moment!

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