Sunday, October 3, 2010

Yard Fun!

Walker is such an amazing father and husband and I don't brag on him near enough. He spent the day with him on friday and I must say he did something right, because Davis slept almost 4 hours for his afternoon nap! He woke up in the best mood and we spent the afternoon togather as a family. One of my favorite memories from friday was wrestling on the front lawn. We didn't worry about getting dirty and just had fun. I am including tons of pics, but I absolutely could not pick which ones to use.

I couldn't stand not getting my pic made with D so Daddy snapped some shots of us having some fun as well. Isn't he a stud?? Never knew I could love somebody so much! Check out that belly!!

It's funny the greatest memories end up being the most unplanned activities, atleast at our house!

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