Friday, August 31, 2012

Emerson Oneita Wellington 3 month old pictures

It’s picture time! I sure do love this time and we sure do have the best photographer around! She had lots of fun and got some really cute photos of the kiddos in honor of Emmy turning three months old! Here are some of the sneak peaks from the day..of course all of these included Davis…he just couldn’t stand not getting in the pictures! Such sweet photos of my babies!  


Dentist time

WE had been talking about this visit for awhile now and it must have helped because unlike last year Davis did great! I told him I needed to stay in the lobby with Emmy and he walked back by himself with Ms. Meagan and did great! The dentist reported no sugar bugs (our cavity word) and no stains! He was so proud of his new tooth brush and treasure, but he really went crazy when I told him I thought we needed to go to Target and get a new truck and trailer! He said, “Oh yeah, Oh yeah, I did it!” You are getting so Big Davis, and we love you!  


Monday, August 27, 2012

Big brother and little sis

What a big boy, one day DW you will fill out your daddy’s shoes…pray you are just as awesome as your daddy!

15wkaug 00215wkaug 003

Seriously, I can’t say it enough, he is the best big brother EVER! He takes care of her always and I am so proud my little man is such an amazing brother!

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Davis is still loving his gymnastics class, and it is always a great show for whoever goes to watch him. He is really getting into the exercises and the teachers all love him. I think it’s because he makes them smile!HA! Some pics are blurry but I had to include to show how hard he is working and how much fun he is having!

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15wkaug 014he high fives and gives thumbs up to all of his teachers!!

15wkaug 015

15wkaug 017so intent

15wkaug 018stretching…

15wkaug 01915wkaug 020what a stare…

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15wkaug 02815wkaug 02915wkaug 030Emmy really loves watching him too!

Jack comes to visit and smiles and giggles from Emmy

We sure do love seeing our Emmy smile and laugh…Can you see her..

15wkaug 03415wkaug 03515wkaug 03615wkaug 03715wkaug 038 She sure does love standing on my belly and watching me do setups, it’s a great workout for mommy too!

15wkaug 03915wkaug 04015wkaug 041ahhh moments with her daddy


Jack, her buddy, came to visit and they had lots of 3 and 4 month fun together! How cute are they?

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Davis wanted to join in on all the FUN! Such a great brother!

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15wkaug 05015wkaug 051group shot!!

Monday, August 20, 2012

We’re going to the zoo, zoo, zoo, how about you, you, you?

Well it’s official I finally bought a zoo pass and we went today with several sweet buddies from our Louisville adventure! (our 5 year stay in L-ville) We had such a wonderful day. The kids were perfect, the weather was not too hot, and lots of memories were made! We got there a couple minutes before everybody..even though we had a hour and half drive…haha. so we ventured out into the zoo by our selves for a minute. When our buddies arrived we had just spotted a carousel…that was all Davis talked about until we finally found it again with our buds!

zoo 001zoo 002posing at the zoo entrance

zoo 003my sweet monkeys!!

zoo 004Davis tried to wake the panda, by cock a doddle doing!

zoo 005zoo 006 HE loved the animal masks!

They are buddies. They totally just picked up right where they left off!

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The kids were fascinated with the animals and couldn’t wait to see what was next…too cute!

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Oh just hugging a tree…

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Checking out the monkeys…we brought a few of our own!!

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Davis was very interested in the honey bees…

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our sweet honey bees

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We made it to the bird area and of course they all wanted to feed them, so we spent some major time hanging out with the BIRDS!

zoo 035the kids with their bird sticks

zoo 038zoo 039waiting patiently

zoo 037Dave teaching them how to attract the birds..

And we got some…

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zoo 051zoo 052zoo 053zoo 054zoo 055looking for the animals…

zoo 059zoo 061zoo 056ALLIGATORS

waiting for us to get lunch ready, they are pretty creative!

zoo 064zoo 066zoo 067LUNCH TIME

zoo 068zoo 069zoo 070driving the boat

zoo 071zoo 072looking for the bears…

The fans blowing cool water were a big hit…especially Davis and all his blonde curls!!

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zoo 078look at that boy…refreshing himself!!!

They sure did need lots of drinks…hahah!

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zoo 091Erin running for Jordan's lost pacifier…ha!

zoo 090waiting on her best friend, the passy!

zoo 092zoo 093zoo 094ZOO FACE

Finally the part of the zoo Davis has been waiting for…THE CAROUSAL

zoo 095zoo 098zoo 099zoo 100zoo 101took me a while to get a decent one…silly moving carousal

zoo 102Jordan and I watched!!!

zoo 103finally a great one!

my camera died…
good thing I brought extra batteries

zoo 105they are off!!!

zoo 106gotta be the sweetest thing..they were holding hands from stroller to stroller

zoo 107my little zoo keeper!

zoo 108and this is what a day at the zoo looks like….priceless!