Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Always an adventure with Peyton

Who doesn’t love a play date? And Davis sure does love it when Peyton visits! She is his little girlfriend and she is so good about letting him do just about whatever his little truck/trailer heart desires! This time he had lots to pull and we had a minor incident, but Peyton didn’t mind because she got a band aid! HA! These two had so much fun and we appreciate fun times with our sweet Peyton!

aug 14 wk 027so excited about…

aug 14 wk 029aug 14 wk 031pulling his girl around in style

aug 14 wk 032aug 14 wk 033sweet wagon talks!

aug 14 wk 034aug 14 wk 036aug 14 wk 037aug 14 wk 038aug 14 wk 043aug 14 wk 045

aug 14 wk 046aug 14 wk 047aug 14 wk 048fixing the jeep

working together to get the wagon just right…

aug 14 wk 050aug 14 wk 051aug 14 wk 053aug 14 wk 054

who needs a popsicle at 9 am…. we do

aug 14 wk 055aug 14 wk 056

aug 14 wk 059aug 14 wk 060

Emmy woke up and the kids had to have their picture with her too!


aug 14 wk 061aug 14 wk 062aug 14 wk 063

aug 14 wk 065aug 14 wk 069aug 14 wk 070 sibling love…best buds

aug 14 wk 071aug 14 wk 074aug 14 wk 075aug 14 wk 076sweet Emmy

Videos of today and yesterday….




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