Friday, August 3, 2012

My little man…

Pretty sure I could not have ended up with such a sweet little man. Now don’t get me wrong he has his three year old moments but overall he is the sweetest little boy I know. You brightened my day with your “mom, I wuve you and your my best buddy!” and your “Mom, look at me and Emmy. Your two sweet children!” You have no idea how much your “momma, l wuv you all the time” means to me and how much it keeps me going. Your eyes that get lost in your amazing smile take all my worries away and melt me into doing just about anything your little truck heart can dream up. Your crazy dance moves make me want to break out in my own dances and your crazy “just pretend” scenarios are just wild enough to make me believe you were made just for me to be your momma! Your sweet emmy voice puts tears in my eyes and hearing “Emmy-o don’t be sad, I wuv you, be happy little girl.” and the newest “bless her heart” is possibly the cutest and most adorable thing you do right now. You are and always will be a family man. Even at three you want your “whole family” to be with you and involved in everything you do. You always make sure everyone is taken care of and has what they need. You have grown up so much lately and it humbles me. You love asking me “momma what can I do next” and “mommy give me something to put at the table we are going to eat at.” (we have three places to eat and he never knows which one we will sit at!) You crave routine and always have loved your sleep. Your “blanks and pups” are your go tos when you get booboos and you have friends of all shapes, sizes, colors and ages. You don’t care if someone is different and you actually relish in it. You don’t forget anything and you ask us about things from days, weeks, months even years ago. You will say things like “did that happen when I was, one two or three momma?” You are one smart boy. You can read some of your favorite books, write your name, spell your name and Emerson’s name, say your letters, tell us where everyone lives and what they drive, name every truck known to man, and the list goes on and on. DAvis WAlker you are amazing and I am so proud to be your momma! You make all of your family here as well as your Uncle, aunt Nell, Nonny, granpda and grandaddy (davis Walker) very proud!   

Just a few shots from LALA and Rob’s wedding!!!


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