Monday, August 20, 2012

Our Murray family came to visit…

We have moved three times since we have been married and our first stop was good ole Murray Ky. We met some of the greatest and sweetest people there whom we still get together with and this Saturday some of them came to visit. We had a blessed visit and made memories. The kids were so sweet together, we sure missed Parker though! (hope you get better soon dude!)

Davis and Katee playing us some tunes…

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These two played so well together and had so much fun…

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sweet squely Katee..

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Look, the car grew legs!

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It’s maraca time…

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sweet sisters

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seriously these two were such a mess

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showing us their messy hands…

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Lacy brought E this cute gown and hat, mommy had a little fun with it, before bed!

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We love you guys and cherish our visits together. Our times together may have changed due to the miles that separate us and the new additions to the bunch, but our love for you continues to grow!

Davis and Jacee perform…

performance cont.

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