Friday, August 3, 2012

Emerson is 3 months

HAs it been three months already since our sweet Emerson Onieta came into our lives with such a dramatic appearance? I believe so and boy oh boy are we having fun with our family of four! Davis still adores his little sister and is still the best big brother a girl could ask for…he adorns her with kisses, hugs, trucks and any other thing he thinks she might need throughout the day. She has made some pretty big accomplishments this month (ok only to her mommy and daddy..but who cares!) She is SLEEPING THROUGH the night. Yes, that’s right I am a new women. I feed her at 7 or so, put her to bed and wake her up before I go to bed and feed her again (around 10) and she wakes up happy as can be at 7 in the am. Woohoo! I wake to her or her brother every morning having one person conversations in their beds..not a sweeter sound to wake up too. Did I mention I love my job!!! She eats five times a day and takes five naps and she eats and naps fabulously! I really couldn’t ask for a better baby. It only takes her about 4-6 minutes to eat so that is a plus too! She loves to talk and be talked to and she loves the sound of her bothers voice. She will always find his sweet face when she hears him talking. She loves to lay, sit, be held or pretty much do whatever you want her to do…like I said easy baby! My favorite times with her are nighttime when everyone and thing is quite and we just rock. I use that time to pray and she uses that time to snuggle in close to her momma just before bed. She loves her hands but still hasn’t figured out which one she would rather suck on, and I still swaddle her to sleep so they don’t wake her up! She sleeps on her back and listens to white noise as she sleeps. She is one healthy baby and people always comment on her length and weight!! She is really holding her head up well and she loves to stand up, she smiles when you do patty cake and she loves grabbing and holding things in her hands! She is precious and such a keeper, we love you EMMY-O!

3mo 0013mo 002WE took Emmy swimming…well she has been a lot this summer, but for once we got her in the pool. It was a hit and she loved it, even though she looks awfully sad in the pictures!

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There is my happy and awfully talkative little girl!

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I have waited to have two kids and dress them alike since Davis was born so here was my first chance (of many, I hope!). My two sweet and precious monkeys!


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Just Emerson…

3mo 0163mo 0173mo 018love this girl

3mo 021I just had to show off her ruffle booty!

3mo 0193mo 0203mo 023I tried to get a picture of just d and this is what he gave me...hmmm

Emerson and I went on a shopping trip yesterday, I ‘d say she looked pretty cute and ready to shop!

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And finally her 3 month at home pictures with mommy…

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She loves her changing table…look at all her faces….

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Davis and Emmy…

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The infamous bed pictures…look how BIG my babies are…

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Emerson you are growing so quickly!!

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3mo 068She is one happy baby

3mo 0693mo 071my sweet sweet girl..

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