Friday, June 28, 2013

VBS and such

We have had VBS this week and Davis had such a great time learning about Jesus and God that he would remind me how many nights we needed to go back! He knew there were 4 nights total so as soon as we got in the car he would say now mom we have go to come back three more nights after this one or two more after this precious and such a smart guy..learning some math and not even knowing it!

This video is one of the short skits we did of Jesus being tempted in the desert..the kids loved it and quickly corrected our teddy grahams to rocks!

Davis was seriously so engaged and loved the theme..Cosmic City! Emerson, on the other hand, had to make sure her brother thought it was ok!


It has been so hot this week, so after getting too hot outside or being tired of getting wet we decided to do some fun things inside to get cool! Like…

play in diaper/wipe boxes! Davis knew he needed a train so…we made one!


We also did some fun science experiments for the fourth of July! Love this guys excitement, that is why staying at home and teaching him is so much fun! (in photo we put oil with food coloring into warm water and watched the fire works! We also made fourth q-tip fireworks, and a couple other pinterest activities!


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