Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Give thanks

We were invited to Davis’ school to eat Thanksgiving lunch with him yesterday and it was so yummy! We enjoyed chatting with some of his friends and their parents and really loved the food! So blessed to be a part of such a special preschool family!

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Little miss makes pictures tough, so this is the best picture of the day! HA!

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These are some more pictures of this past week..

Our little eskimo on the way to worship…ha, you think she is cold?


on the way home…


playing momma…


Davis enjoying his Rudolph nose and he even made poor ellie wear it too!


Emerson has such sweet buddies in bible class!


Emerson decided she needed to be a present under the tree, so she dumped the balls out and plopped herself in! HA!


Friday, November 22, 2013

IT’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas

The entire family is heading to Tennessee for Thanksgiving and we had to have everything ready so we could not only celebrate Thanksgiving but also Christmas since we won’t see Uncle J and Stephanie over Christmas, so…we decorated EARLY! We gave the kids a bath and put them in their Christmas pjs, played some Christmas music, drank hot chocolate and started to decorate the tree!

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Davis was convinced blanks needed to help him! Emerson and Davis are ready to tackle the tree!

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Helping Daddy survey all the goods.

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Oops Daddy needs help up, Emerson to the rescue!

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We all began decorating the tree, and we looked over to see Emerson doing this…STINKER!

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And this…making messes!

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Poor Emerson said ENOUGH!

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Blessed by these two! I sure love being their momma and celebrating the holidays with them!


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