Saturday, November 2, 2013

Emerson is 18 months

Has it really been one year and six months since this precious sweet baby came into our lives?


Say it isn’t so and please oh please time slow down! Even when she looks like this and is covered in messes….

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Emerson facts:

She loves books. We look at most every book she has on a daily basis. She knows what each is about and brings you the specific one she is ready to read!

She loves to eat. Always hungry and always eager to try anything…UNLESS it is hot. She is so like her daddy it must be luke warm or even room temperature for her to eat it!

She loves to sleep. She is still taking two naps a day when we are home and she loves to snooze with her baby, her blanket and her pillow with her sound machine blaring white noise!

She loves babies. She will feed them, rock them, sing to them, hug them, etc. SHE loves babies!

She loves play dough. She loves to make balls, snakes, cookies, you name it she loves to play play dough!

She loves stickers. She will wear them, eat them, stick them, restick them..stickers are everywhere in my house…BUT they keep her entertained and quiet in the car!

She is wearing size 4 diapers, size 12-18 and 18 month clothes, and size 6.5 shoe.

She loves her family. When one of us is missing she will look for us, call us and just miss us until we return!

Her favorite word is NO! She says lots and even says two word utterances, but she loves NO! You think it’s because she hears it often throughout her day?

She loves to sing. She will ask you to sing all day if you dare! She loves I see the moon, standing outside with my mouth open wide, mr sun, I love you, you love me…and the list grows daily or shall we say the more she watches YouTube!

She loves to brush her teeth. She will do it multiple times a day and will run to the bathroom at the mention of teeth.

She loves to pretend potty! She will sit on it clothed or unclothed and “use it” as her brother potties next to her!

Emerson you are the funniest, smartest, biggest mess maker I know and I am confident my life is better because of you. You have changed my life for the better. You make me slow down, laugh, and rest well at night. Your sweet demeanor and love for your momma is some days too much for me! I love you so much and pray you are always so kind to me and others. I love watching you learn, smile, speak and play. May you always have a fun spirit, kind heart and giving personality! 


This is my little man at 18 months…

18 mo 01418 mo 01718 mo 02518 mo 027

I thank you god for another day to use me to minister to my children and family. Thanks for humbling me through them. You have such a sense of humor and you are so good to me. Continue using me and allowing me to grow as a mother, to these sweet babies. Give me the words to say when I don’t have them in tough situations, and the courage to follow you even when it’s easier not too. Take care of my precious Emerson and give her life a purpose for your kingdom. Use her to teach others about you and bring light where there is none. Help me be her biggest cheerleader and fan. Give her strength when she feels small and give her wisdom to defeat all her giants. Thank you for one of my greatest blessings..motherhood!

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