Sunday, November 17, 2013


This weekend was jam packed full of activities and fun, but boy I am TIRED! Friday night was spent was some of my favorites at our house for dinner. The kids had a blast playing and making messes, the adults had great conversation and yummy CUPCAKES! (Thanks JEFF! ) Saturday morning we woke up extra early to run the HAITI race. BRR.. it was cold but it was a great day and a great cause that raised tons of money for very Awesome kids! Check out some of the race photos courtesy of the always wonderful JLO photography!


Next we headed to a birthday party at the movies! It was Emerson's first movie and as you can tell she loved it and the Popcorn!


It was a cute movie and we were glad that it was a family adventure!


Emerson enjoyed the movies so much she decided she could work there. She went behind the counter straight to the candy and made her self at home!


We left the movies to have cake and hotdogs at the sure was fun and we all enjoyed our nap after this busy day!


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