Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Whew…It’s raining leaves!

We have about 10000 trees on our 2 acres..ok so I am dramatic but seriously we have lots of trees which means even more leaves. What do you do when that happens?
You get your kids to raking! HA! Well, we raked and then we played..we may have played more than we raked, but who cares it keeps raining leaves so…

leaves 18mo 001leaves 18mo 002leaves 18mo 003

see they are working…

leaves 18mo 004leaves 18mo 005leaves 18mo 006

and posing…

leaves 18mo 007leaves 18mo 008leaves 18mo 009leaves 18mo 010leaves 18mo 011leaves 18mo 013

and playing…

leaves 18mo 015leaves 18mo 016leaves 18mo 017leaves 18mo 018leaves 18mo 019leaves 18mo 021leaves 18mo 022leaves 18mo 024

Enjoying being brother and sister!


Just some of the sweet fall preschool photo shots…


We are enjoying all the fall/turkey crafts on pinterest! I AM THANKFUL!!!


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