Friday, November 15, 2013

18 month check up and Flu shots!

We had it all planned out. We were going to leave early for Emerson’s doctors appointment and spend some time and eat with Chuckie. Well…Davis decided he needed some of those yummy roles and butter from Dumplins…We went to dumplins. They even got their picture made by the owners and ended up on their FB page for skipping out on chuckie Cheese and coming to dine at Dumplins!

Their FB picture for Dumlpins!


Davis very much enjoyed him some rolls and butter..all by himself of course.


Emerson enjoyed hers as well…despite the funny face! This is what I got when I asked her to say cheese! I’ll give you one guess if you think she is a ham….


WE ate until our tummy’s were full and ended up at the doctor..while we waited we played with stickers!


Emerson was in heaven!


She kept telling me she was one!


Then we read pantless till our shots came….


all done and ready to be out of here! When they were done she was screaming for her daddy! Bless her!


Her stats are…weight 25.8 and height 32 1/4..both 75% more than her peers! That’s my girl!

Her brother at this age….

18 mo 01818 mo 02518 mo 027

Too cute not to share..

6 months                                                   9 months                                             12 months                                    15 months                                                 18 months

6 mo 013feb13 01812 00415.0flu12

1 comment:

  1. The kids obviously looked healthy. They’re both high-spirited and their skins are glowing. Kudos to your excellent care! :D At what age did you start giving them the flu shots? With kids, it is harder to tell if it’s just a simple cold or already a flu. Giving them the flu shots regularly can resolve the uncertainties.

    Clinton Scott @
