Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Jack and Emerson visit story hour

Emmy and I decided to head to story hour toady and we picked up Jack so we would have a boy to keep us in line! They both had such a great time and we had lots of yummy treat today as we learned about polar bears!

Dancing with maracas, was a hit! These two know how to work the dance floor!


Listening to our polar bear stories!


WE decorated our own cookies!


Played with the parachute…


So long story hour, it was fun and we will see you next time!


Thankful for sweet friends and libraries!


We got to see some of our sweet buddies from our KY home last weekend. Such a joy to see these sweet faces reunited! The parents sure enjoyed catching up as well. I  love that God gives us such special relationships along our journey of life. I pray for these sweet families everyday and cherish the memories we made and our friendship!


Thursday, February 20, 2014




From it’s a beautiful day, to mom I feel like I’m going to puke! Yesterday, was just not our day. I wasn’t feeling well after spin class yesterday but tried not to think about it as Emerson and I enjoyed our wonderful day outside and then we picked up D…I could tell from his face he felt as bad if not worse than I did. We went on to Walker’s work (for our lunch date) but neither he or I could stomach anything to eat. While watching daddy and sissy eat he motioned he needed to puke, and so it started….We got in the car with a garbage bag and headed home and just in the nick of time….By the time I got him out of the seat his bag as full and I quickly got him in, cleaned him up while Emmy screamed her head off.

Mommies. Are. Tough.

While I won’t give you a play by play of the rest of our day/night just know it was NOT pretty. Walker ended up coming home early, and D and I both stayed quarantined to his room. In between sickness bouts D would say these really insightful things..(weird, all I want to do after being sick is sleep) . One time he looked at me and said, ”Mom, I really like helping those people at the hungry kitchen. I think if they run out of food again I’d like to go to the store and buy them more. Ok?” As I wiped the sweat from my breaking fever, I looked at him and smiled, this child is why God wants me to be more childlike. I want to drown in my sorrow of being SICK and all he wants to do after wiping puke off his mouth is think of others. HUMBLED.

Much later after more sleep and more bathroom visits, Davis looks at me desperately and he says “Mom, I know why we aren’t better. We never prayed to God to make us better! Let's do it, ok?” I was a little loopy from passing out on the hard ceramic tile floor TWO times so I said sure buddy can you do it for both of us…..and drifted back off to lala land. 

Today we wake to a new day in which D is 100% and ready to play and eat ANYTHING in sight (his clothes that usually fit just right are falling off of him) and daddy has the dreaded bug. I’m still not 100% but functional (what other way can a mom be, right) and we get everything that can be washed in the laundry (6 loads) and strip all beds and bleach every surface, handle, etc that can be wiped and take care of the one who took care of us yesterday.

Emerson has still NOT gotten it, and we pray she doesn’t. 

At lunch when I finally allow my starving boy to eat something other than toast he says mom we HAVE to pray for daddy! He leads us in the most passionate loving short(it’s lunch time!) prayer and prays sweet blessings over his daddy that he might be better very soon!

Not a day I’d like to remember, but a lesson I will never forget. God thanks for giving me Davis. He was my sickness buddy yesterday but most of all he reminded me I have so much to be thankful for and you are the giver of all good. Keep humbling me through my sweet children. Give me a childlike heart and help me love more like him.  


today..hours after being puke free he is here playing as if yesterday didn’t phase him….oh to be a child again!

Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentines to the three loves in my life

TO my sweet helpmeet

you stole my heart with sweets almost 13 years ago and continue stealing it with your love for others. you inspire me everyday to live better. your love seems to only grow and only surround me more and more the older we get. i thought i had life all figured out at such a young age, i sure am glad god had bigger plans for me! I want to spend this and every Valentines day with you my love and pledge to always love you with all my heart. i pray we are godly examples of love to our children and others so that they may see HIM in us. i will end my "love" note to you with a prayer...

god make me the woman you need me to be. break me, mold me and create in me a heart for you. allow me to serve others and be You to those who don't know you. thank you for giving me a partner in life to not only journey throughout life with me but lead me closer to you. make us strong for you. make us deliberate for you. make us intentional for you. god thank you for your love and relationships. god I thank you most for my relationship with my husband. Continue growing us for YOUR purpose!

To my loving little manvdaypresents 007

my sweet four year old stud, you captured my heart when I saw a positive pregnancy test and you have continued to make mommy swoon when you entered this world a mere 4+ years ago. you are the definition of sweet, caring, sensitive and loving. never have I ever met another human who was so genuinely concerned for others. Little man I love you with all my heart and nothing you do will change that love. Loving you is so easy. Your smile is contagious, your words so precious and your sweet touch warms the coldest heart. Continue using your assets to help others know GOD. Teach them his love and they too will have a contagious smile, sweet words and comforting arms. You will always be my little man and I will always be here for you! From middle of the night sickness, to girl trouble, to exciting lifetime moments mommy is yours! I love you so much!

To my curious almost two year oldvdaypresents 006,

there is nothing in the world like you my dear. no one could possibly hold my heart the way you do. you know how to make life interesting and full and you bless me with your curious nature daily! Your stinky morning breath saying barney, show, elmo, pad, couldn't keep this momma away. You emit energy with every word and step you take. You are independent and are able to do about anything you want, and that is why I love watching you grow and learn. You make my heart smile when you see someone you missed (even if they've only been gone a short time) and you scream their name and open your arms to embrace them in one of your special Emmy hugs. You my dear are like no other and I pray you continue to beat to your own drum as long as you put god first and everything else second. I love you for ever and always my Emmy you'll be!

Our valentine treats (can you tell I’m anti candy?)

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loving their new digs!

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kisses for her daddy

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gotta wear her new necklace

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kisses for mommy

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love this little man

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Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Valentines Party at Preschool


Emerson and I joined Davis and his classmates this morning to celebrate valentines day. His teacher had tons of fun valentine crafts, snacks, and fun activities planned for this special day!

Singing hello to all our friends!

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Praying before our snack…

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YUMMY! Valentines are delicious!

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Valentine painting project….

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You think he is proud we came to visit?

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Listening to their special love instructions…

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Davis tells what he loves….

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Davis and his buddies delivering their mail….

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being a mailman was never so much fun or yummy!

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So blessed to have such a sweet little guy who not only loves school but also loves us coming to visit and help whenever we can! We sure love Mrs. Kathy and all she does for our sweet guy!