Tuesday, February 4, 2014

21 months



Sunday this sweet angel was 21 months old! NO WAY! I REFUSE to believe my little blonde haired blued eyed sassy pants girl will be 2 so soon! If I thought time passed by quickly with one child it passes by even quicker with two! Even though it makes me terribly sad she is growing up and getting so big, in my heart she will always be my baby and I am blessed to see her grow and change into the sweet little lady she will become!

Emmy you are a fun, joyful little girl. You wake around 7 and we only know you are up if we look on the monitor to see you rolling around and playing with your baby. You great us with huge hugs and kisses and call us by name! You wake ready to play, eat and watch a show!

Your favorite activities are watching shows on the ipad, playing with your books, babies, balls and stickers. You love Barney and Elmo and will watch, sing, read about them all day. You love to color, play with paly dough and do “gymnastics”. You do an amazing flip and I cannot wait to get you signed up for gym class! 

You love to eat and will pretty much eat anything we offer. You feed yourself with utensils and although you are not very clean you do it independently and don’t really like any help! You commonly ask for soup or hotdogs!

You love to talk about family and friends and you enjoy making songs, stories about everyone in our family…never going to leave anyone out! Tender hearted that way…like your brother!

You LOVE shoes and show everyone what shoes you have picked out for the day. You don’t stop with just one though you make sure they know you have two of them! You are doing so well with your colors. Your favorites are pink and blue! You are an amazing puzzle worker. We didn’t even know you could work them and you grabbed on  day and worked it again again with NO help! You are very partial to the letter E..maybe because it is plastered all on your clothes, room etc. You love to sing and will hurry me through a song to show you know what is next.

You love when daddy comes home. You may not be a daddies girl just yet but you love when he comes home for both lunch and dinner! You love looking at pictures and you can name pretty much anyone in them. You say up to three word utterances, name all your animals and their sounds, know where places are around town (daddy’s work, bubba’s school, church, etc) and you are completely ok with entertaining yourself! You make lots of messes but you have so much fun while doing it!

You love jewelry and don’t like to leave the house without it! You adore your brother and hug and kiss all over him when its your idea! You think you are just as big as he is and you can do most anything you put your mind too!

You are wearing 18 month clothes despite your average size and you wear a size 4 diaper. You love sitting on the potty but are still not too sure of how to make yourself go. You tell others to go when you try and you clap and carryon and then tell us you are all done as well! Oh well! You won’t go tot kindergarten in diapers!!

You take a afternoon nap right after lunch and sleep anywhere from 2-3 hours. You sleep all night in your crib and you LOVE your pillow, blanket and baby while you dream! You also love some white noise in the background! Oh yeah the darker the better!

You love babies and will make your way to any baby in public! You are so sweet with them and love identifying all the parts of their face! Miss LA is especially great with you loving on Grayson and you definitely love spending time with him!

You my sweet girl are too fun for words, spunky and sassy beyond your time and an absolute precious happy go lucky girl! I pray you have a heart for Christ and those who are hurting. I pray you reach out to those who need it the most and you love the unloved. Be brave and strong in your faith! Teach others about HIM with your actions and always be kind! Enjoy life and all it has to offer but know this is NOT your home! I love you baby girl with all my heart and will spend my days teaching and showing you HIS ways!

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