Thursday, February 20, 2014




From it’s a beautiful day, to mom I feel like I’m going to puke! Yesterday, was just not our day. I wasn’t feeling well after spin class yesterday but tried not to think about it as Emerson and I enjoyed our wonderful day outside and then we picked up D…I could tell from his face he felt as bad if not worse than I did. We went on to Walker’s work (for our lunch date) but neither he or I could stomach anything to eat. While watching daddy and sissy eat he motioned he needed to puke, and so it started….We got in the car with a garbage bag and headed home and just in the nick of time….By the time I got him out of the seat his bag as full and I quickly got him in, cleaned him up while Emmy screamed her head off.

Mommies. Are. Tough.

While I won’t give you a play by play of the rest of our day/night just know it was NOT pretty. Walker ended up coming home early, and D and I both stayed quarantined to his room. In between sickness bouts D would say these really insightful things..(weird, all I want to do after being sick is sleep) . One time he looked at me and said, ”Mom, I really like helping those people at the hungry kitchen. I think if they run out of food again I’d like to go to the store and buy them more. Ok?” As I wiped the sweat from my breaking fever, I looked at him and smiled, this child is why God wants me to be more childlike. I want to drown in my sorrow of being SICK and all he wants to do after wiping puke off his mouth is think of others. HUMBLED.

Much later after more sleep and more bathroom visits, Davis looks at me desperately and he says “Mom, I know why we aren’t better. We never prayed to God to make us better! Let's do it, ok?” I was a little loopy from passing out on the hard ceramic tile floor TWO times so I said sure buddy can you do it for both of us…..and drifted back off to lala land. 

Today we wake to a new day in which D is 100% and ready to play and eat ANYTHING in sight (his clothes that usually fit just right are falling off of him) and daddy has the dreaded bug. I’m still not 100% but functional (what other way can a mom be, right) and we get everything that can be washed in the laundry (6 loads) and strip all beds and bleach every surface, handle, etc that can be wiped and take care of the one who took care of us yesterday.

Emerson has still NOT gotten it, and we pray she doesn’t. 

At lunch when I finally allow my starving boy to eat something other than toast he says mom we HAVE to pray for daddy! He leads us in the most passionate loving short(it’s lunch time!) prayer and prays sweet blessings over his daddy that he might be better very soon!

Not a day I’d like to remember, but a lesson I will never forget. God thanks for giving me Davis. He was my sickness buddy yesterday but most of all he reminded me I have so much to be thankful for and you are the giver of all good. Keep humbling me through my sweet children. Give me a childlike heart and help me love more like him.  


today..hours after being puke free he is here playing as if yesterday didn’t phase him….oh to be a child again!

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