Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Davis says.....Moments in life I'd like to always remember or at least be able to go back and read!


I came home from a shopping trip and was playing with Davis and mentioned to him there were so many neat things I saw while out shopping. Things that I knew he would love and I wanted to get him so badly. He looked up at me and said "mom we have to be thankful for what we do have! "

-wise beyond his years or just well taught by godly influences?

Davis played at the childcare center at the ymca while I worked out and when I went to get him the worker let me know that he had been talking about the company we were suppose to have. She said he really doesn't want them to come because when people come over they mess up his things and don't put them back correctly. I put Davis in the car and began asking him about it. He said "Mom what am I suppose to do if my friends make a mess and they won't help me clean it up? What if they tell me no they won't help. What will I do?" I assured him they would help him and he needed not to worry and just to have fun!

-You think he is wise beyond his years or is he just like his momma?

Usually Emmy is a GREAT eater and Davis is my picky one. The other night Walker had a meeting and I was doing dinner solo with the kids. Emmy was not excited about the roast, potatoes and carrots and she was letting me know it. Davis looked at her and said, "You know Jesus is sad at you right now. There are many kids who have nothing to eat and you have something and you are crying about it!"

-You think he has heard this before?

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