Monday, December 29, 2014


Christmas morning Davis was ready to go and of course miss e slept a little later so we let D up  and check everything out why we waited on sleeping beauty!

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He watched his Santa video and got a thumbs up!

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I think he liked what he saw!

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She woke up so we let her watch her video and she too had been a good girl!

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She was a tad excited as well!

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Oh what fun!

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They loved their note from Santa and were very proud of themselves for how good they have been this year!

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It’s photo time!!!

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Me and my love!

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Silly us…

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I’d say Lala and Rob were tired!!

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These two were on a Christmas high!!!

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They were so excited lala and rob came over for Christmas breakfast!

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and meme and pawpaw!!!

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Christmas makes everyone get a little silly…

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do you think she will be as picture crazy as her momma?

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Love her..

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Such a great day so far, now we are headed to KY to see the Poston clan!

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