Thursday, December 11, 2014

Moments like this…

"MOMMY I feel sick!" The dreaded words you hear in the middle of the night/morning that literally jerk your heart out of the sweet slow sleeping slumber. I heard them not once, not twice, not even three times yesterday, but more than I even care to count. More than I hate for my sleep to be disturbed I detest my little ones to be hurting. 

After countless "turn the light on mommy I am about to be sick" moments he finally drifted off to sleep, yet I did not. My hurt broke for my sweet guy who not only could not stop vomiting, but who could not keep from spiking a temperature, yet he complained none. Not once. 

We watched his bubbly sister and daddy leave for worship and he asked when we could do our Bible study. He wasn't worried about laying around, or grumbling he wanted to study God's word. I began, as he wished, with some curriculum our children's minster gave us and he quickly took the drivers seat telling me all he knew about Joseph, much more than I ever dreamed he knew. I sat in amazement, not interrupting and trying to forget the curriculum and learn from this little child. I wanted to see Joseph from his eyes. "Mommy Joseph could interpret dreams, mommy Joseph asked the wine taster to remember him, but he did not, mommy there were 7 fat cows and seven skinny cows...., mommy Potiphar's wife lied about Joseph, but he didn't really do what she said, mommy Joseph forgave his brothers even when they hated him, Mommy he wanted his family the Joseph statements poured out of his mouth I smiled and thanked my God for humbling me. 

When I am sick, studying His word is not what I choose rather sleep calls my name, moments like this show me my sweet baby boy at the mere age of 5 has his priorities right where they should be. Thanks be to God he uses little ones to humble our adult hearts. 

Five minutes later when he had moved to the floor to play dragons (we are on a how to train a dragon rant) he said mommy my ear is leaking....there is water coming out. I knew his sickness was taking another turn. We have also struggled with ear issues since he was 6 months old and I knew he had no tubes and there was no reason for liquid to be coming out unless there was an issue. I grabbed him up and examined his ear only to find tons of "stuff" I will spare you the details oozing out of his ear. I cleaned him up and grabbed my otoscope (doesn't everyone have one laying around?!?) and noticed the bubbles in his ear..I knew it wasn't good and told him we needed to leave for the doctor. He begged even pleaded for me to just call a friend (we love our talented nurse/doctor and nurse practitioner friends) to call him something in..he detests doctors after all his ear issues, who wouldn’t?

Our day felt like it lasted forever, and by lunch I was feeling pretty weary and broken, seeing my people sick is so hard to watch and makes me so thankful this is not our everyday life. So many people I know have to watched their loved ones suffer and hurt day in and day out so I choose this minor ear issue, but it still doesn’t change the fact that my baby was sick and had endure two ruptured ear drums, high fever, vomit and and ugly respiratory infection.

SO I post this post to thank God for humbling me through my son, thank God for modern medicine so that my little man can have some relief and petition God to heal the sick.

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