Saturday, December 6, 2014

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas…

Emerson is thrilled to wear  festive Christmas attire, just don’t ask her to sit in dear old Santa’s lap. She says she will not do it, she will not ask for presents from him and she does not like him! HA!


Davis still enjoys matching his sister, I know he won’t be like this forever so I take full advantage of it!


Yes little miss totally has a sassy personaltiy, this is what I got when I asked her to smile for the camera….I must ask, where did she get this? I am not sure I like it! Just use your face silly girl!


We have even been to the Milan Christmas parade! We got way too much candy, saw Santa (we just waved, Emmy would not do anything else!!) and got to see lots of our friends!


Emmy loves to entertain and here she is doing just that…what a silly girl!


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