Sunday, December 14, 2014

Last week….

Wow you blink and it is the middle of December. This is a crazy busy time of year and I have the pics to prove it! HA!

Davis, Emmy and I at his Christmas lunch at school. Sweet guy even made this ornament for me! I love him!


We were in Alamo for a visitation and stopped because Santa was in this tiny house visiting with children…we couldn’t resist! Nice for Emerson to get to just see him!!!


Santa’s Workshop! Davis had a special day at school this week where he could shop for us, so he packed his wallet and went to spending! We all got two things from him and he was so proud to share the love! Daddy got a singing tie, which D expects him to wear any day now, and a new travel coffee cup. I got measuring cups and lip gloss and Emerson got a frozen cup and activity set! Such a sweet little man!


This girl…loves her mommas boots!


She loves mickey and Minnie these days..and I had to capture her dancing to her favorite song!


WE watched Davis and his ball team practice the other night and these sweet girls cheered the team on!


these two…


We sure love Cayla and this night in particular we got to have our own Christmas with her! WE ate and drove around and looked at Christmas lights too! Such a fun night with many memories made!


Curious George came to story hour this week, I’ll let you decide if Emerson liked him or not! HA!


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