Tuesday, January 26, 2010

What a mess!

What can I say I love messes! If you would have asked me almost 10 months ago, I would have said I hated messes but now I love them. Messes mean little boys are playing independently, messes mean mommy gets a couple seconds to do a task without a little one on her hip, messes mean little boys are exploring their world and learning,therefore; I LOVE MESSES! Yes they mean time cleaning up, but they also mean you can reorganize as you are doing so. Before I had Davis a very smart older lady told me not to worry about a clean house, yet enjoy your babies. They won't be babies for long and you will ALWAYS have messes to clean up. Thanks for the advice and I am enjoying life so much more knowing that messes mean I still have my baby!
Davis loves to take things out and lately he has gotten really good at unpacking Daddy's suitcase from work trips, pulling out clothes in drawers, and cleaning out the bottom of the pantry. Thankyou Davis for always keeping my life interesting-oh how boring it would be without you!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Loving Learning

How I love to watch my little one learn. It is fascinating watching him take in words and actions. For example:
This morning I was making him a pancake and it was too hot so I blew on it to cool it down. He immediately started smiling and began shaping his mouth to blow on it as well. He thought he was so big and blew it before he took each bite.
While playing with his bee hive and bees Davis took one of the bees and began buzzing, just like we do every time we play with them and him.
He also has started mooing when he plays with his cow-ohh so funny.
I love this stage and am having so much fun watching my little one learn and grow.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Davis-9 months and counting

Everyday I am amazed at how much Davis can do and how much he is learning. This first year is so terrific. He is doing more and more on his own these days and I can tell he is going to be Mr. Independent. Here are some of his accomplishments to date:
He loves to talk (imagine that) he says Dada, bye, hi, num-num (when he wants to eat).
He can give you a kiss-by popping his lips together! SO Sweet!
He waves hi and bye-bye.
He is a crawling master, and is even walking (10 steps at most!). He also loves to climb on everything and everyone!!
He loves to do things with his hands and is very good at turning pages in a book, or picking things off, and he loves to pull things out-especially mommy's drawers!!
He claps-well it is Davis Walker's special clap-he claps with one hand on the other that is closed-ohhh so funny!
He LOVES attention and will do just about anything to get it.
He has the cutest laugh that he turns on when you tickle him, play peek-a-boo, or just love on him in general.
He loves to eat and can feed and give himself drinks-unless of course the grands are here and they do it for him-so rotten~!
HE loves music and he will jump up and down, and wave his hands, like he is leading singing!
He sleeps through the night and takes two naps a day!
Watching Davis grow has been such an amazing blessing. Much thanks to my wonderful hubby for making it possible for me to stay at home and see all of Davis' accomplishments first hand! What a beautiful blessing!

Friday, January 8, 2010

My New Years Resolution

Well it is Janauary 8th and I need to finally post my resolution so that I will be held accountable. My 2010 resolution is to slow down. I am sure you are thinking what kind of resolution is that, well let me explain and maybe you will understand.
Slowing down means...
Taking time to praise my God-spend time with him in prayer and in his Word EVERYday.
Sharing God with EVERYone-through prayer, food, thoughts, money, cards, kind words, love: to those I love and to those I may not even know right now.
Living in the moment with those I love-giving Davis my full attention when we are playing, listening to my hubby during a conversation even when I have other things to do, being there for my friends even when it is not convienent, etc
Giving my worries to my God instead of taking precious time away from my life, family and friends
SO we are 8 days in and I hope to continue to stay committed to my resolution, only time will tell. Happy 2010!

Daddy's Home

Walker returned from his latest business trip today and Davis could not have been more excited. He had such a hard time with his daddy being gone, and when Walker walked in the house Davis immediately started kicking his legs and laughing. It was priceless. Tears came to my eyes while I watched them reconnect after being apart for the past week. So sweet.
Our first morning without Walker, Davis could not understand why I was changing his diaper and he kept grabbing my sleeve and looking at me and saying Dada. When I started to nurse him he could not stay latched on because he was breaking his neck to look around the room for Walker. By Thursday he would pick up my cell phone and say Dada. We had talked to him so much on speaker phone throughout the week that I guess he began to think his daddy was in the phone. So sad!
Anyway, we are both so glad that Walker is finally home, and I am not sure either of us will be able to let him out of our sight for awhile. We love you daddy!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Let it SNOW!

So of course the weatherman was right and Louisville got its first real snow of the winter. Thought I capture Davis in the snow for just a quick minute. He loved it and actually was laughing outloud when the snow was falling on him;however, the moment he stuck his hand in it he cried! Of course I picked him up and our photo session was over. Got a couple cute pics before he touched the snow flakes.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Picture Day

WAlker and I recieved gift cards at a shower to get Davis' picture taken by a photographer that actually made several of my pics growing up. We were so excited and planned to take him at 9 months because we knew he would be fun to photgraph at that age. We drove to Henderson and I carefully picked and planned the time according to naps/eating and picked several good looking outfits for Davis to wear. Everything had been planned and I thought so in order. I guess I should have double checked with the photographer because when we arrived 5 mins early he still wasn't there. We kept waiting and waiting untill finally I became very impatient and made several phone calls and even one home visit until he arrived about 35 minutes late. SO funny how he played it off by running late- don't lie man I know you forgot us, just own up to it and apologize. Nope. He never did. Photos were great and I am excited about the results. Davis was a pro, smiled and had a big time even though it was his lunch time. THe photogragher at one time said this feels like I am cheating he smiles so easily! THat made Walker and I so proud! We can't wait to see the proofs. THese pics were taken when we got back home-he is so excited to be at home with his toys, he also thinks he is a stud in his big boy clothes!

New Years; 2010

Walker and I have never been in to the party scene and have always done relatively relaxed things on New Year's Eve. This year was by far the most relaxed one to date. When trying to make plans with several good friends we all realized going out to eat would probably be the extent of our night out due to early bedtimes. The Hanauer's, the Butler's and ourselves met at Chili's to enjoy some good food and fun. We had a great time laughing at/with the kids/men, and fitting in whatever conversations we could before the kids could interrupt. Here we are at the conclusion of our visit!