Friday, January 8, 2010

Daddy's Home

Walker returned from his latest business trip today and Davis could not have been more excited. He had such a hard time with his daddy being gone, and when Walker walked in the house Davis immediately started kicking his legs and laughing. It was priceless. Tears came to my eyes while I watched them reconnect after being apart for the past week. So sweet.
Our first morning without Walker, Davis could not understand why I was changing his diaper and he kept grabbing my sleeve and looking at me and saying Dada. When I started to nurse him he could not stay latched on because he was breaking his neck to look around the room for Walker. By Thursday he would pick up my cell phone and say Dada. We had talked to him so much on speaker phone throughout the week that I guess he began to think his daddy was in the phone. So sad!
Anyway, we are both so glad that Walker is finally home, and I am not sure either of us will be able to let him out of our sight for awhile. We love you daddy!

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