Friday, January 8, 2010

My New Years Resolution

Well it is Janauary 8th and I need to finally post my resolution so that I will be held accountable. My 2010 resolution is to slow down. I am sure you are thinking what kind of resolution is that, well let me explain and maybe you will understand.
Slowing down means...
Taking time to praise my God-spend time with him in prayer and in his Word EVERYday.
Sharing God with EVERYone-through prayer, food, thoughts, money, cards, kind words, love: to those I love and to those I may not even know right now.
Living in the moment with those I love-giving Davis my full attention when we are playing, listening to my hubby during a conversation even when I have other things to do, being there for my friends even when it is not convienent, etc
Giving my worries to my God instead of taking precious time away from my life, family and friends
SO we are 8 days in and I hope to continue to stay committed to my resolution, only time will tell. Happy 2010!

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