Monday, January 4, 2010

Picture Day

WAlker and I recieved gift cards at a shower to get Davis' picture taken by a photographer that actually made several of my pics growing up. We were so excited and planned to take him at 9 months because we knew he would be fun to photgraph at that age. We drove to Henderson and I carefully picked and planned the time according to naps/eating and picked several good looking outfits for Davis to wear. Everything had been planned and I thought so in order. I guess I should have double checked with the photographer because when we arrived 5 mins early he still wasn't there. We kept waiting and waiting untill finally I became very impatient and made several phone calls and even one home visit until he arrived about 35 minutes late. SO funny how he played it off by running late- don't lie man I know you forgot us, just own up to it and apologize. Nope. He never did. Photos were great and I am excited about the results. Davis was a pro, smiled and had a big time even though it was his lunch time. THe photogragher at one time said this feels like I am cheating he smiles so easily! THat made Walker and I so proud! We can't wait to see the proofs. THese pics were taken when we got back home-he is so excited to be at home with his toys, he also thinks he is a stud in his big boy clothes!

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