Monday, January 11, 2010

Davis-9 months and counting

Everyday I am amazed at how much Davis can do and how much he is learning. This first year is so terrific. He is doing more and more on his own these days and I can tell he is going to be Mr. Independent. Here are some of his accomplishments to date:
He loves to talk (imagine that) he says Dada, bye, hi, num-num (when he wants to eat).
He can give you a kiss-by popping his lips together! SO Sweet!
He waves hi and bye-bye.
He is a crawling master, and is even walking (10 steps at most!). He also loves to climb on everything and everyone!!
He loves to do things with his hands and is very good at turning pages in a book, or picking things off, and he loves to pull things out-especially mommy's drawers!!
He claps-well it is Davis Walker's special clap-he claps with one hand on the other that is closed-ohhh so funny!
He LOVES attention and will do just about anything to get it.
He has the cutest laugh that he turns on when you tickle him, play peek-a-boo, or just love on him in general.
He loves to eat and can feed and give himself drinks-unless of course the grands are here and they do it for him-so rotten~!
HE loves music and he will jump up and down, and wave his hands, like he is leading singing!
He sleeps through the night and takes two naps a day!
Watching Davis grow has been such an amazing blessing. Much thanks to my wonderful hubby for making it possible for me to stay at home and see all of Davis' accomplishments first hand! What a beautiful blessing!

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