Tuesday, August 31, 2010

17 months old!!

I can't believe it, Davis is 17 months old today! Wow, time sure does fly! Enjoyed a beautiful day with him today. We spent most of our time outdoors, he ate a wonderful lunch consisting of chicken nuggets and yogurt and now he is in nap land! I took some pics from our time outside to go with this post-reading words isn't near as fun as looking at pics. From the pics you can see he is still a happy little boy. He got this power wheels from a friend and he is terrified of it. We unplugged the battery and now he loves it. He is not so sure about things that move yet. Check out the pics of him working under the hood, what a hoot! He is so funny and so smart, you do something once and he thinks he can do it too!
What can I say different this month that I haven't already said for the past 16 months?? Not too much changing these days, but you can tell he is definetly getting older and much more independant. He pretty much wants to do everything himself- feed himself, take his clothes off/on, shoes off/on, open and close doors/objects-you name it he thinks he can do it. His comprehension is still off the charts and his verbal expression is increasing but he would much rather point or grunt than use his sweet words. Gonna end with some of my favorites from this month:
-he loves when his daddy gets home. he showers him in hugs and kisses and wants to turn thier music on and dance!!
-he loves his grandparents. mia and pops have spent extra time with him this month and he just goes crazy when he sees them.
-he loves to mow our grass. we have a small side yard and that is his absolute fav place to mow and chase his daddy
-golfing. i swear that kid is gonna be a golfer. he loves him some golf and he takes his clubs everywhere!
-he loves his new kitchen and food. he can serve a mean taco, and cookie!!!
-he still has a fit to kiss and hug everyone in sight, watch out world, Davis, most affectionate little man EVER!!
-he loves chicken nuggets, taquitos, pizza, cookies, icecream, yogurt, smoothies, apples, and ANYTHING you can DIP!!!
-he still melts when he sees his blankie and puppy dog. they are at the top of his list, pretty close to his momom!!
THis age is so much fun and I am loving being a SAHM and cherishing every memory I am able to make with him.

Monday, August 30, 2010

WOW Weekend

What a fun weekend we had this weekend. We left Davis for the first time (both of us gone togather) and went to the lake with some of our favorite people (Butler's & Hanauer's). It was so fun hanging out and not having to worry about bedtimes, naps, etc! The weekend consisted of alot of rest and relaxation, games, a very confusing puzzle, skiing, tubing, jet skis, boats and water, and FOOD! IT was a blast and I will remember it for a long time. I love highlighting our trips so I will do the same for this one. Oh yeah pics to follow when the photographer gets them downloaded (haha-ERin!).
-church signs are just too funny, especially with Adam in the car
-watch out for swerving and driving too fast fussy cops may pull you over and then let you go after telling you to party when you get to your destination
-never, never sit behind Adam in a car when he has gas!!! STINKY MAN!!
-when you loose sunglasses at the bottom of a lake you should totally try and find them, you just might get lucky (ADAM) and find them and have your buddy make a hilarious story up about you and your adventure (WALKER)
-when a guy turns white and clammy he probably has rocky moutain spotten fever-MURRAY!!
-always go to the lake with the Butlers and enjoy thier lake house, especailly if it's Erin's b-day and her amazing mother in law cooks dinner
-tubing with Erin and Em was probably the most fun I have had in a while-so many giggles and fun times
-never let walker pick out things for you to do or you might just end up working puzzles that are crazy ridiculous hard!
-give walker a couple of chances and he will most certainly ski on one ski-go walker!!!
-always join in with em and erin on girls only talk sessions-i love you two so much and enjoyed our convos

The memories from this weekend will never be forgotten. God has given us some amazing friends and we love them all dearly! OH yeah and thank goodness for grandparents who are willing to love on our kiddos so we can go enjoy ourselves on our couples only weekend! Love you Mia and POps!

Monday, August 23, 2010


We stopped at the grocery for a few essentials and to deposit some money and Davis managed to exit the store with a Balloon! He was pumped. The balloon was attached to a sucker, which was all over him by the time we got home-not sure how he ate it with the paper, but nonetheless his face was blue! We played with it until it was time for a nap-which by the way we are down to just one nap (from about 1:30 to 5!!!)-and I decided to capture it for everyone to enjoy! Oh yeah walker taught him to do a happy face-can you tell what pic shows this?? He cracks me up!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

WHOA..haven't posted some cute pics in awhile!

These are some pics taken last week while at the pool and the zoo. We have such good buddies for Davis and their mommies just so happen to be the coolest mommies in the world whom I consider my best friends! We never have a dull moment with them and they are all such good children who love one another. It also helps to have a great resource when a mommy question comes up!

Davis switched to one nap a day this week and this particular day mommy cut it close on getting home in time for the nap. Sweet baby! Naps are a super time for mommy to catch up on sleep as well. Oh yeah and Davis' favorite food is none other than corn on the cob-gotta love my picky boy! WE were at Mark's Feed Store and D had every body cracking up while chowing on his corn!

We had a very rainy Saturday this morning and we decided to take D to the indoor zoo-Bass PRo! It is very close to D's mia and pops so we decided we could kill one bird with two stones. Here are some of my fav pics from our adventure. He loved seeing the animals, but even more than seeing them he wanted to ride every boat, 4 wheeler, gator in the place. He also enjoyed riding in his stroller and just pointing to all the many items on the ceiling/wall. He even decided to ride the huge fish-sorry couldn't catch it on camera! HA!

Friday, August 20, 2010

...i don't know...

"i don't know" have been my favorite words these past several days and my eyes/face have remained tear stained. not ready to discuss it all, because of the uncertainty, but very confused, blessed, proud, sad, terrified, anxious, fearful and lonely right now. god does answer prayers, just not always how we think they should be answered and i am learning that this week. if you are reading just say a prayer for us regarding wisdom in a very important decision. please don't worry for the decision we face is a good one, just a very scary one. (right now at least)
my prayer remains:
my god please shut doors if they are meant to be shut, or open them wider if meant to be, calm my fears, ease my sorrow and wipe my tears, give me wisdom and strength, remain faithful and a servant in all areas of life, and most of all not allow ne to lose my "sweet spirit."

Monday, August 16, 2010


Davis and I have tons of fun outside and due to the heat, we LOVE the water. Enjoy some pics via my friends of us doing our thing and enjoying the water. Showers with daddy have paid off because Davis doesn't mind if the temperature is cold or warm, or if it is spraying him in the face he just wants to be around WATER!