Monday, August 30, 2010

WOW Weekend

What a fun weekend we had this weekend. We left Davis for the first time (both of us gone togather) and went to the lake with some of our favorite people (Butler's & Hanauer's). It was so fun hanging out and not having to worry about bedtimes, naps, etc! The weekend consisted of alot of rest and relaxation, games, a very confusing puzzle, skiing, tubing, jet skis, boats and water, and FOOD! IT was a blast and I will remember it for a long time. I love highlighting our trips so I will do the same for this one. Oh yeah pics to follow when the photographer gets them downloaded (haha-ERin!).
-church signs are just too funny, especially with Adam in the car
-watch out for swerving and driving too fast fussy cops may pull you over and then let you go after telling you to party when you get to your destination
-never, never sit behind Adam in a car when he has gas!!! STINKY MAN!!
-when you loose sunglasses at the bottom of a lake you should totally try and find them, you just might get lucky (ADAM) and find them and have your buddy make a hilarious story up about you and your adventure (WALKER)
-when a guy turns white and clammy he probably has rocky moutain spotten fever-MURRAY!!
-always go to the lake with the Butlers and enjoy thier lake house, especailly if it's Erin's b-day and her amazing mother in law cooks dinner
-tubing with Erin and Em was probably the most fun I have had in a while-so many giggles and fun times
-never let walker pick out things for you to do or you might just end up working puzzles that are crazy ridiculous hard!
-give walker a couple of chances and he will most certainly ski on one ski-go walker!!!
-always join in with em and erin on girls only talk sessions-i love you two so much and enjoyed our convos

The memories from this weekend will never be forgotten. God has given us some amazing friends and we love them all dearly! OH yeah and thank goodness for grandparents who are willing to love on our kiddos so we can go enjoy ourselves on our couples only weekend! Love you Mia and POps!

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