Friday, August 20, 2010

...i don't know...

"i don't know" have been my favorite words these past several days and my eyes/face have remained tear stained. not ready to discuss it all, because of the uncertainty, but very confused, blessed, proud, sad, terrified, anxious, fearful and lonely right now. god does answer prayers, just not always how we think they should be answered and i am learning that this week. if you are reading just say a prayer for us regarding wisdom in a very important decision. please don't worry for the decision we face is a good one, just a very scary one. (right now at least)
my prayer remains:
my god please shut doors if they are meant to be shut, or open them wider if meant to be, calm my fears, ease my sorrow and wipe my tears, give me wisdom and strength, remain faithful and a servant in all areas of life, and most of all not allow ne to lose my "sweet spirit."

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