Monday, August 2, 2010

Are you kidding me, Davis is 16 months old???

Well, Davis turned the big 16 months old on Saturday and I could not believe it! Once again this month has flown bye and my little boy is growing up more and more. He gets sweeter and sweeter as the days go bye and is so much fun to play with! This month he has gone to Florida, been in his first wedding and got to see his uncle Jarrett! What a month, I would say. Mia and Pops have since moved to the area and he has also spent several days at their house and had them over for play dates at his house. He sure loves loving on his Pops and Mia well she will do just about anything for him-including getting in his wagon with him to put balls in and out of different containers! What a hoot!
Davis is...(I will probably repeat myself from others months, but who can keep up!!)
saying more and more, if you make him. he loves to whine (unlike anyone else I know) and will do so unless you say use your words and then his fav word is dat! Ha! A speech paths dream, right? No really he is really trying to say more and more, with some encouragement. Hat, dat, da, dad, out, air, el, shoes, num,hot, duck, dog, quack are a few of his favorites. Walker and I love it when we tell him to say I love you and he says I. THere have been several occaiions when it sounds like he is saying two words and of course he loves to babble and talk in his own language-we refer to this as his preaching! He also loves to sign, he can sign baby, more, please, helicopter, thank you, milk and play.
eating: not much! he has been working on several teeth forever and with the stomach bug he has not eaten much food. he still drinks like he is a camel! he loves broccoli Cheddar soup, yogurt, cookies, goldfish, and pretty much whatever you are eating! He prefers to feed himself and loves using big people utensils!!
He still loves to love on EVERYONE. I am amazed at the times he gives kisses and hugs for no reason and without a cue. Who says boys aren't sweet? There have been many times when just what I or his daddy needed was a kiss and he gives it and brightens our day.
He is getting much better about being left. He will still cry initially then he will quickly calm himself down and find something to play with.Whew!
His top toys to play with are BALLS! He will swing a bat to hit a ball, throw a ball, kick a ball and shoot a ball. Wonder which sport he will play?? He also loves to take things in and out and has AMAZING fine motor skills.
He absolutley loves outdoors and will bring you his and your shoes all day long and say out! Outdoors he loves to ride in his car, throw balls, and just explore the yard/block. He will bark at every dog, wave at every car and splash in every puddle! Such a boy!
He has also began to be a bit sneeky! He has learned to open and shut doors and has escaped from his mommy on several occasions. Good thing his mommy likes to run, because I do a lot of running after my little guy!
Davis Walker Dow is truly a blessing in our lives and we love him so much. WE pray every day that he will be a God fearing man, love others as Jesus did, and marry a precious woman who loves the Lord. Thank you for blessing us with Davis Walker!

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