Friday, August 6, 2010

What a day

today i took d to little sisters of the poor, a nursing home in l-ville. i have a sweet friend there and she wanted to meet d so we went. he loved meeting her and all of the other ladies. he waved blew kisses and even gave away a few hugs. it melted my heart to see what joy his face brought to all the patients. one in particular was 102 years old and she was so proud of him. we left there and continued on with our busy day, to get an oil change. while we waited i decided we would eat luch at wendy's to help pass the time. not only did d eat an amazing lunch (this never happens) but he met some sweet friends along the way. three different tables entriqued d during our visit and i couldn't help but laugh at his choices of peopl eto admire. the first was a group of girls, obviously on their lunch hour, whom he would just look at wave and say hi, until they all looked at him and spoke. THe second table was an elderly couple who were thrilled that he was so into them! And last but not least the table right next to us with a little girl and her mother. he not only had to stare at the little girl the entire time, but he also ate two or her mother's chicken nuggets! That boy is always a thrill and never meets a stranger. thanks for putting a smile on my face and warming my heart!

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