Monday, November 1, 2010

19 months and growing...

Well yesterday marked another month down for Davis and we could not be prouder of our little boy. He is constantly changing and growing up so fast. I want to do something a little different for this months blog post so I will be posting my 19 favorite things about Davis, hence 19 months old.
19. I love your love for outdoors. YOu don't need any toy outside, you can make anything fun and we sure do make some messes outside!
18. I love your business. You are not happy just sitting and I love on most days going and going with my little energizer bunny!
17. I love watching you pretend. You have such an imagination and it is so neat watching it unfold on a daily basis. Today you crawled in a diaper box and when I asked where you were you said boo!
16. I love your love for books. You enjoy reading and you also enjoy being read to. Now that is a boy after my own heart!
15. I love watching you make messes! YOu are getting better and better about playing by your self but you sure do make a mess!
14. I love watching you take baths. You splash and move around the tub like you are a fish. Seeing you love the water makes me so happy!
13. I love that you know what you want! This is sometimes painful for all of us, but I know it will be a very good thing!!
12. I love that you are bossy, well sometimes! It just makes it apparent you are gonna take after your momma!
11. I love that you have BIG feet-yes we bought you size 7.5 this weekend! WOw!
10. I love your love for music. YOu love to dance and sing and you totally have favorites already. You are quick to tell us if you don't want to hear or sing a certain song!
9. I love watching you pray and pat your bible. You notice when we don't pray and quickly let us know that we forgot something. You sometimes even make sure we pray several times just to make sure we get it right!!!
8. I love you big blue eyes and your smile that changes whatever mood I am in to HAPPY!
7. I love seeing you with your daddy. You are especially fond of males and you think your daddy hung the moon. Pops, Pawpaw, Bubba, Nick and Rob are close seconds.
6. I love seeing you with your friends. You love your friends and thier is no dobt about that. You light up when see your buddies cole, slade, will, libby, and gracie and you love showing them they are special by giving them a classic Davis hug and kiss.
5. I love that you are so physical. Your fine and gross motor skills are stinking amazing and blow most people away. You can swing a bat, kick a ball, shoot a ball, swing a golf club, throw a frisbee, color with crayons, feed yourself, help dress your self, wash your body, put lotion on, open and close containers and so on. Today I looked up and you were in your chair waiting on your lunch-you did this all by yourself!
4. I love having a baby that sleeps well. You take a wonderul nap (most days) for anywhere from 2-4 hours! You sleep about 12 hours every night and you go down so easy that people are surprised how quickly you fall asleep. Not many poeple can resist watching you on the video monitor as you snooze.
3. I LOVE your voice. I especailly love hearing you "call" for people. IT is by far the sweetest voice I have ever heard and you have people saying "aww" when you are done calling their name. You are talking more and more these days and it is so neat watching you say things on your own without any prompt or model.
2. I love the way you think. It is so obvious you enjoy knowing what is going on around you. You process things little kids a year older than you cannot do. I have explained, described and communicated with you since day one about your surroundings and it amazes me how much you truly understand. My best example is telling you that I am sick you going to get the doctor kit to give me a shot and medicine!
1. I love having the worlds sweetest little boy. No one can deny how incredibly sweet you are and how easy it is to be enveloped in one of the best hugs and wetest kisses they have ever had.

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