Thursday, March 29, 2012


Bubba and Stephanie spent some time in Hawaii and they sent Davis some of the neatest things from their trip. He got gold chocolate coins, a Hawaii truck and this adorable Hawaii outfit. He was pretty sure he was a stud, but he had to walk outside and ask daddy if he thought so….he got tons of compliments on it at church Wednesday night and now he knows the outfit is rocking! HA!

march 001march 002march 003Love this little Hawaii man!

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I couldn’t stand it and had to have my picture made with my Hawaii cutie…34 weeks preggo! Wowsers!

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Thanks Bub and Steph for being so sweet to my little man. It’s one thing to be nice to me, but when you adore my child I melt! Thanks and love you both!

Doing the Hawaii dance….

1 comment:

  1. Absolute joy for you, Walker and Davis! Miss you all bunches and so happy to be able to follow you here.

    Thank you for sharing!
