Thursday, March 8, 2012

Davis funnies

Gotta keep up with this funny kid and all his silliness so here we go…

*Mommy look there’s an ark…we see a ark built to be a swing set on side of the road…yes sweetie it is. I learned about that in my class…yes you did…what am I gonna learn about next….ummm I dunno honey we will see… I wanna learn about life is a highway I want to ride it all night long(song from Cars)…haha D I dunno about that…yes mommy that is crazy and I want to!

*Davis was laying in bed with me one morning and he leans over to say mommy I have a huge peepee…oh no it has already started…he is such a boy!!!

*Davis what did you learn about in class tonight….umm about when I get sick…oh really, what about when you get sick…Jesus touches my hand and makes me all better…what a sobering thought..oh to be like a child again!

*After D got out of the shower one morning he ran to me and said smell me mommy, I used daddy’s soap and smell good!…you sure do buddy…mommy, you and Emmy o stinky!

*Davis has been pretty sick lately and we needed to go to the pediatrician so I told him the news one morning and he replied with, “Mommy I want Jesus to make me all better not Dr. Blake.” I explained to him sometimes Jesus uses doctors to help us get better top which he replied, no not Dr. Blake, Jesus can do it mom!” Oh the belief of a two year old!

*I asked Davis if he wanted to feel Emmy kick me the other day and he came to my belly, put his hand on it and began screaming, “No Emmy don’t kick my mommy. Be nice to her!” SO….protective!

*I took Davis to see one of my home health patients the other day and he sat perfectly still and just stared at her for her session, never saying a word…when we got to the car he asked me a million and one questions (just like his daddy…says his conversation for ME!) one of which was mommy you working with Mrs. so and so because she not talk very good…yep little buddy, you are very observant I am helping her with her speech!

*So since D ahs been sick I have been telling him to stay out of peoples faces so he won’t get them sick. Last night while putting him to bed I told him I was ready for him to feel better to which he responded “so I can get in peoples eyes mommy?” haha!

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