Monday, March 26, 2012

Our last HURRAH……before Emerson arrives!


We decided to take a little family vacation to Nashville before Emmy arrives and boy did we have a fun filled busy weekend! We started off Friday with preparing for the delivery of Davis’ new swing set. Daddy sure set him up nice, because the swing set is so big it is taking more and more work to get it complete, picture s to come!

 march 001march 004 we even had to take the telescope with us…our little pirate…arhhh

Mimi and Pawpaw made sure the hotel had a pool so D could swim and he LOVED it! He forgot how much he could do in the water, but once he remembered it was fabulous! He had such a ball and I am so blessed to have such a good hubby who completely handled him in the pool by himself…and made it FUN!

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march 036march 037See his daddy played all kinds of fun games with him and wore him out! He had a blast!


march 039He also needed some hotel trucks so this 30 toy marked to 5 did the trick……

We went to the mall to build a bear for him and emmy and ended up needing to drive this train first! Oh what fun boys are!

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We made it to build a bear and D decided on a puppy. He wanted to make Emmy a elephant and they didn’t have one so we stuck with the puppy! He got to stuff it, put a heart in it and give it it’s first bath!

march 048march 050march 052march 056march 058BATH TIME!

march 063march 065Trying to pick out some clothes…in the end D decided his puppy should not have clothes so we ended up with a naked pups and a little puppy to match him!

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Making his birth certificate was so much fun, D picked out their names and had a blast with making their story!

march 075Our completed build a puppy and mommy!

march 077He carried his puppies around in their house!!!!

Next we found this train he could ride in…it was a must…so being a Davis kind of weekend we took advantage of the train ride…kind of hard to get a good picture but nonetheless he had a great time!

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While we shopped some sales D had to get a better look at all his puppies and their goodies…march 094march 095march 096

Naps were all out of whack but we still made sure to squeeze them in…sweet boys1

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Our next big adventure was meeting baby Stella for the first time. She was perfect and D was in love. It made him want Emmy here now even more. He was amazing with her and Walker and I know he will be the best big brother EVER!

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Sweet baby girl!

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GIFT time. We got the sweetest stuff from Karen, Joey and Stella and D loved the bag all of it came in…can u tell?

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One morning D wanted to go to cracker barrel in his pj’s, so…..HE DID!

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On Sunday we ate at a restaurant where they cook in front of you. People thought he might be scared but he absolutely loved it. Of course I never caught any of it on tape but his words during the “show” were…

Holy cow

What in the world!

Oh my goodness!

Catch egg in your mouth again Pawpaw

Throw more water from your straw on the stove pawpaw!

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Of course he only ate a noodle from the soup but the expressions were priceless from the performance and he made it just fine on peanut butter crackers! HAHA!
march 129 YAY! We don’t get many of these any more…mommy and daddy shot!

1 comment:

  1. Dont post often, but I am so very happy for you and how blessed you are with such a WONDERFUL family. Congratulations on the newest Wellington to come and prayers that everything goes well! Davis is beautiful:-) (as will be his new sibling)
