Monday, March 12, 2012

Sick little one…

Our last couple of weeks have consisted of lots of sickness, days spent at home and restless nights. Davis some how managed to get the flu, bronchitis, an ear infection and diarrhea (from the antibiotics) and the pukies (from all the mucus).  Needless to say I am one tired 8 month pregnant mommy who only dreams of a uninterrupted night of sleep and for my sweet boy to feel better. On top of it all Walker has gotten the flu portion of it and he feels lousy! Not sure if its cause I am tired of playing nurse or if its just he’s not a good patient but my big boy acts worse than my little boy! haha! Our days for the most part have been indoors, except for docitr visits and typically D feels his best during the day…as you can tell…He has done well with being at home, I on the other hand have gotten a little stire crazy and made up some crazy things to do so I wouldn’t go crazy!

march 002march 003all smiles despite some much going with him!

march 004march 005 we ate very little…..mostly pretended to eat…bless him

march 006march 007 we played ice cream game a lot…

march 008march 009march 010march 011 we played lots of games…good thing I stocked up early because this kid loves games and is really quite good at them!

march 012we went on lots of horse rides..

march 013we took lots of temperatures..D had to know what ours was as well!!

march 014march 015 we even tattooed our daddy

march 016 sweet boy

march 017march 018we did LOTS of crafts…

march 019march 020 we did lots of coloring….

march 021march 022silly boy trying to hide and use his table like a boat…imagination

Being sick and locked up in your house makes you really miss being healthy and miss your buddies. Davis has gotten pretty sad about missing our normal routine of things…the gym, playgroup, class at church, and outings to target/Wal-Mart/Kroger and playing at the park…we hope to be 100% real soon and we plan on taking advantage of every second, especially since Emmy will be here before we know it!

Despite all the sickness I have some how managed to stay well..I guess to take care of my boys and little girl…! I have not done well on adding my monthly pics so here they are…growing, growing, growing!

march 027march 028 7 months….and proud of it!!

march 029march 0308 more to go!!!

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