Sunday, December 29, 2013

Three Christmases

Unfortunately, our Christmas break began with a visit to quality care for sweet baby girl and some yummy amoxicillin, but all in all we had a wonderful time this Christmas! Fredrick, our elf even brought these fancy hats for the kids to help sissy start feeling better….


While the boys worshipped we went to quality care and had worship with our babies!


Our Jill baby came over though and made all things better with gifts! WE sure love our sweet Jill!


Mack and Davis even got to sneak and see Santa…Davis sure is in love!



Mommy and daddy got in on the fun as well….


Davis has come a long way! He loves Santa now!


Miss Emerson may have been sick but she still made some monster messes!


Christmas Eve Eve the kids and I decided to make Santa his cookies since we would be spending Christmas Eve at Meme and Pawpaw’s house. Not sure if I am crazy or if I felt like super mom but man was this a messy and crazy experience!

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if you don’t believe me look…

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they turned out cute but whew, I was sweating and the kids were covered in flour by the time we were done….

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daddy came home and rescued us all!

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We let the kids give one another their gifts a little early to break up the gift giving and boy were they happy with one another and their presents!

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Christmas Eve after getting ready for traveling to Meme and Pawpaw’s we made sure to feed the reindeer!

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Before reaching Dyersburg Davis kept asking to see Uncle (Walker’s great uncle that died several years ago). WE decided to take a short detour and visit his grave….Davis was so inquisitive, I’m sure you are surprised, but listened and took it all in with not too many worries!

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The kids were so excited to be at Meme and Pawpaw’s! PRESENT TIME!

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Emerson still wasn’t feeling top notch so she got lots of sweet snuggles…

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We made some great memories with Lala’s new toy and made some really funny movies!


Emerson wasn’t too sure of all this present stuff either…

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This guy knew a little too much about it all…..

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Opening presents can be so much fun!!!

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We left cookies for Santa by the tree, but miss Emmy couldn’t stop testing them…big brother the rule follower was appalled!


Christmas morning……Christmas number 2

We woke up at our normal time and headed in to get the kids and watch their movies from Santa…they both made the nice list so they were really excited!

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It’s Hoho time….

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Family pictures are not much fun with a sleepy and sick little one…

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Is it child abuse to try and put as many things as you can on your daughter that she received from Christmas, even if she likes it?

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After Christmas relaxation…sticker your entire body!!!

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Christmas #3 Poston’s house

Thursday we headed to Kentucky to see my mom and dad, aka Mia and Pops and celebrate KY style.

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Yes, my daughter is naked with the exception of her Christmas bloomers and this vest….it was her outfit of choice!!

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Mia and Emmy in her Elmo towel!

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The Christmas cousin picutre….

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Laura and sweet Mack!

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soo happy!

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Chirsmtas is just too fun with these two….

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All dressed in blue so we can shout for UK!

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Everyone rocking their blue and white!!!

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Emerson and her daddy perfecting her gymnast routine!!!

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A little fun with a gag Christmas gift….haha


We are thankful. I may be a little old school but we have already started our thank you’s, because we will always be grateful for what we have!


I know this post was super long, but we sure enjoyed our three Christmas’s. The food was delicious, the gifts so exciting, but most of all we enjoyed being together and making memories! We are so blessed!