Thursday, December 19, 2013

What a fun day

I had a lunch date planned with my sister and girlfriends from college today so the kids and I headed to Jackson early to see what we could get into! WE began our fun time at Chuckie Cheese! These two love having the place to themselves, free reign on all the extra tickets and just having fun! We even cashed in our tickets we have been saving and got some awesome prizes! Emerson seemed a bite more timid at first but as she warmed up she dove right in there!

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Our prizes…..860 tickets worth!

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Our awesome photos courtesy of Chuckie!


Then we decided to go waste some time at the mall and ended up running in to this guy…..


….to say the least Emerson was not impressed and was glad to breathe again when I picked her up!

All tuckered out and ready for her bed! She sure loved her new ball from winning all those tickets!


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