Monday, December 9, 2013

From hot temperatures to ICE

This past week we had some pretty nice weather to pretty yucky cold ice weather! So we have played at the park and done lots of projects at home to keep us busy and current with the weather of the day! HA!

Emerson loves feeding herself but mommy doesn’t love the laundry effects so we eat like this most days! She also loves showing you where her elbow is!  



LOOK at that face! What a stinker!


On the hottest day they wore their snowman shirts, ha! So, we went to the park and enjoyed the beautiful weather! Swinging like a big girl. 



This girl loves to be all dolled up. She is not ready unless she has her necklace and bracelets!


I love days when I can get photos like these. I am so blessed!

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Rocking their some of their Christmas clothes….I said some! (hence no shirt Emerson!)


WE made cookies one night to keep us from going stir crazy! They were homemade and so yummy! WE even put icing and sprinkles on them!


Our elf is always pretty tame and this morning he was sitting by our family of snowmen Davis and I had created! He was so very excited to sit this close to him!


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