Thursday, December 19, 2013

Davis performs…

Davis has been talking about “his performance” for weeks now and tonight was the big night! He literally invited anyone he talked to and was so proud to have like 10 people there all for him! Even baby Mack came! His biggest fan had to be his little sister! She yelled for him throughout the entire performance and planted a big kiss and hug on him when he was done!

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I mean is he not the cutest little four year old you know?

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Emerson was SO proud of Davis ringing his bells……

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BUT she thought it got a little LOUD! HA!

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Then they performed the story of baby Jesus….

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my little wise men delivering his gift of gold….

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Davis got a picture with all his audience members!!

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Then he crowned Emmy!

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These two such a sweet a perfect blessing from above!

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Thanks to all who came and praised my sweet little man tonight. Thanks to all the teachers who teach him to be like HIM! No greater blessing than to see others be kind to your kids!

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