Monday, December 2, 2013

Giving Thanks…

We had such a blessed Thanksgiving this year. We were excited to welcome everyone to Tn for thanksgiving including Uncle J and Stephanie (who had never been to TN before!). We made so many memories, played so many games, laughed a lot, ate a lot, and just enjoyed one another's company!

Davis was so pumped to have ready and willing playmates. He loves to pretend so he started them off right with a game of doctor! Have I told you how awesome my brother and future sister is…..

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can you tell everyone was in their heaven?

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Emerson found the blow up mattress and decided it was a trampoline…..

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then she found her pops and he played elmo, now she is in her heaven!

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Technology anyone?

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There were lots of snuggles, kisses and hugs going on…

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We celebrated Christmas and Thanksgiving in one with these two since they are unable to come back for Christmas and I believe Emerson was excited about her gift! We didn’t tell Davis it wasn’t really for him! HA!

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Jarrett and Stephanie had never met Mack, so drumroll please….Their meeting!! Such a sweet moment! One proud Uncle and Aunt I ‘d say!

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Emerson wondered what all the fuss was about she just wanted to watch Elmo!

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Stephanie captured Emerson’s love for her new trampoline! HA!


We got to do all sorts of fun things with Stephanie and Jarrett like go see Frozen at our quaint movie theater, btw it is an awesome movie! We also got to go to a new fun place in Jackson..Sky Jump! We had so much fun jumping, getting sweaty and making memories.

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We will be frequenting this place again! Fun times!

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We went to Laura’s for Chinese one night so we got even more Mack snuggles!

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Emerson has a way with making everyone laugh these days with her many faces, well this one about put us all in stiches, this girl is a MESS!


What do you do when you have to drive in the car to get from here to there…make FACES!


Uncle J and Davis really had some fun with this! Again I have the best brother in the WORLD!


Davis spent the month telling us what he was thankful for and we finished on November 30, we are so blessed to have such an amazing church family and children’s minister who encourages our kids in so many ways!


While mommy and daddy were busy decorating and cleaning for our company…this is what we found in our bed…comfortable?


We were also very fortunate to get our family pictures made by one of my best friends here and I cannot wait to reveal those to you as well, but since this post keeps growing and growing I will stop for now!

I pray a special blessing over my family. That we will cherish the memories we have, we made and we will make. I pray we take everyday and use it to its full potential, by blessing others, and sharing the love of Christ. Thank you for families, even when we are so spread out. Thanks for love that stretches many miles, that gives so much and makes life a little brighter!

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